Melody Day Header

Production Hacks: Melody Day

Music producers create melodies that inspire artists to write amazing songs. Discover some fresh tricks to level up your melodic game.

The Science of Sample Packs

The Science of Sample Packs

Alin Dimitriu, Saint Ezekiel, Lightfoot, and Ski Beatz share the challenges and rewards of sample pack creation and give tips to producers.

Production Hacks: Running Drills

Production Hacks: Running Drills

Like athletes, musicians can condition their minds and bodies to perform at high levels. These musical drills will keep you primed to create.


V-Drums Warmups

V-Drums Warmups

Prepping for a big gig or woodshedding to improve your chops—these V-Drums exercises will help build precision, timing, and more.

6 mins read