Bandcamp is a resource for artists and labels of all sizes. Learn how to maximize this essential, fan-favorite platform.
Bandcamp is a resource for artists and labels of all sizes. Learn how to maximize this essential, fan-favorite platform.
From rock and roll frontwomen to Grammy-nominated artists, learn how these musicians are achieving their sonic dreams.
The video game industry is moving ever closer to cloud storage, digital distribution, and other online possibilities.
Electronic music producer Christopher Kah highlights Roland instruments in ECHO, his new immersive 3D audio performances.
The When We Were Young music festival is a niche celebration where emo fans reunite to soak in nostalgia and fuel the resurgence of pop-punk’s popularity today.
Bandcamp is a resource for artists and labels of all sizes. Learn how to maximize this essential, fan-favorite platform.
Auris Presents shares what makes ARC Music Festival unique and how it’s grown into an unmissable event for Chicago and beyond.
From rock and roll frontwomen to Grammy-nominated artists, learn how these musicians are achieving their sonic dreams.
The unique paths to success of these eight composers offer valuable strategies for newcomers and veterans alike.
Learn how the biggest musical acts are challenging audience attention spans by releasing lengthy albums in today’s marketplace.
Social media can reinvigorate vintage hits and help them reach broad new audiences. Here are some classic songs that got a second spin.
Artificial Intelligence is making its way into music. Investigate the wild new world of AI and how it’s reshaping the creative landscape.
A group of eclectic Icelandic artists offer unique perspectives on electronic music performance, their home country, and more.
Award-winning composer Megan McDuffee reveals how she broke into video game scoring, sharing plenty of tips along the way.
The spiraling of the TR-909 on "Hunter" weaves a web of percussion. Immediately, the track draws the listener into a world of intrigue.
30 years after its release, Joey Beltram’s “Energy Flash” remains one of the definitive techno tracks. It still sits easily in a DJ set.
It’s been a long journey for the tech house genre. We trace its history and development from the earliest days to the present.