Bandcamp is a resource for artists and labels of all sizes. Learn how to maximize this essential, fan-favorite platform.
Award-winning composer Megan McDuffee reveals how she broke into video game scoring, sharing plenty of tips along the way.
In our new quarantine reality, many of us work from home and socialize through a screen, making technology increasingly central in our lives.
The video game industry is moving ever closer to cloud storage, digital distribution, and other online possibilities.
Leftfield came from the same primordial soup as the greatest British dance acts. Explore this iconic track and the TB-303's role in it.
Here's how the artist's omnipresent '90s hit "Praise You" harnessed the Roland TB-303 to become a radio and dancefloor sensation.
Synthesizers in music production brought about a massive cultural shift. Take a trip into this groundbreaking genre.
Find out how the art-rock classic “O Superman” kicked off Anderson's career by transforming the mundane into the sinister.