A Few Minutes with Todd Terry 

A Few Minutes with Todd Terry 

A legend of house music’s second wave, Roland instruments have been fundamental to Todd Terry’s genre-hopping career for the past 35 years.

A Few Minutes with Nathan Fake  

A Few Minutes with Nathan Fake  

Nathan Fake creates music that exists on multiple planes. The artist discusses the early Internet, Roland gear, and running a label.

A Few Minutes with KiNK

A Few Minutes with KiNK

KiNK speaks about his unique upbringing, Roland faves, and the joy of finding classic breaks on floppy disks.


A Few Minutes with Plaid  

The British duo shed light on their rural youth, work process, and how an intergalactic voyage informs its latest release, Feorm Falorx.

A Few Minutes with Hinako Omori  

A Few Minutes with Hinako Omori  

Japanese-born Hinako Omori visited Peter Gabriel’s Real World Studios to blend locally sourced field recordings with binaural technologies.

Roland & ME

Roland & ME

Musical tales from the last fifty years—directly from the people creating the sounds. Explore these unique Roland stories.


The Science of Sample Packs

The Science of Sample Packs

Alin Dimitriu, Saint Ezekiel, Lightfoot, and Ski Beatz share the challenges and rewards of sample pack creation and give tips to producers.

12 mins read