Sometimes it feels like it’s a jungle out there for those trying to navigate the online world. You strive to reach your audience and discover why a campaign worked. At the same time, you grapple with algorithms and analyzing follower behavior. It’s a complex science. Tools like Roland’s VR-1HD can help.
In reality, it comes down to the basics: staying active and engaging. People are busy, know exactly what they like, and more than ever are time-poor. You have to earn their interest.
The Video Advantage
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a well-presented video delivers more than a few images and words. Let’s be honest, attention spans aren’t what they used to be. While many won’t take the time to scroll through a long article, they will engage with an appealing video.
Of course, creating video content then opens up another can of worms. What equipment will I need? What level of quality do I need to achieve? Who in my organization or social circle has the skills to be able to produce quality content?
We live in an age where the gear required to make decent content is becoming more affordable and. You can create a superb video with a smartphone using apps or other devices. Herein lies the next conundrum. Even if you’re prepared, there’s a lag between creating and publishing. Editing takes time. People not only want their content to be interesting, but they also want it immediately.
No More “Fix It In Post”
The ideal solution is to create quality video and audio on and broadcast it live in real-time. Picture a private studio where you can change camera angles, add titles and effects, and monitor levels.
A fanciful dream?
No, it’s happening now. They’re called Live Streaming Video Mixers and they’re becoming an essential component in the lives of gamers, musicians, sports broadcasters, places of worship, and many other sectors of the community.
A benefit of Live Streaming Video Mixers is you can operate the unit on your own. There is no need for whole a team of audio-visual nerds to churn out amazing content. If you prefer to save your content for future broadcast or do tweaks, connect and save to a hard drive.
Keeping Content Fresh
Being in a position to be able to generate quality content live and is key. One of the major killers of online interest is stale content. Why would you revisit a website or blog if you know you’re not likely to see new material any time soon
Curious to see how Live Streaming Video Mixers work, I obtained a Roland’s VR-1HD.
I wanted to see how I could best use the VR-1HD in my role as editor of Australian Musician magazine. So, I filmed a performance by local songwriter, performer Ben Kelly. I used a couple of DSLRs, but you could as use a Go Pro or smartphone with connection cables.
Getting Connected
We used a USB 3.0 to connect the VR-1HD to a laptop for live streaming/recording. Ben then plugged his pedalboard into one of two microphone inputs on the VR-1HD.
I downloaded the VR Capture viewing software here.
As soon as it opened, we could see the two camera angles on the screen. Ben began his performance of “Halfway To Happiness” from his album, Van Moon Tipi.
Using the VR-1HD’s ‘Input’ buttons, I achieved a variety of split-screen options. With another monitor connected, click “Menu,” and scroll to manage effects and settings. Live-stream on a platform, edit angles, and record the performance.

Level Up Your Live Video
A unit such as the VR-1HD allows on the spot editing and output audio (from 2 sources) and video (from 3 sources). You have much more control than using a single camera smartphone.
The unit is a powerful tool for broadcasting quality video and audio. You can also add effects, titles and send the signal out live to a monitor for viewing. Who might enjoy this scenario? It’s hard to know where to begin in suggesting the myriad advantages of this system.
Gamers already use the high-quality output from a Live Streaming Video Mixer, and use the split-screen options.
The benefits to those in the music industry are endless too. Using a Live Streaming Video Mixer, artists can broadcast performances, rehearsals, or studio sessions live to fans via social media. Musicians can demo gear, present sessions, or stay in touch with their fans. Whatever content you can film, you can further embellish with the VR-1HD. Then send it out in real-time to fans worldwide via the internet.
Live Streaming Video Mixer Benefits
Live Streaming Video Mixers would also have great appeal in the world of business. Film meetings and convention sessions. Then send the signal out online or to a large screen so everyone in the room can view. It brings the standard of your video presentation up a notch.
Houses of worship are also prime candidates for the use of a Live Streaming Video Mixer. Many churches have already added the VR-1HD to their equipment collection. The sports world is another area where a Live Streaming Mixer is a great tool for coaches and teachers.
What was once the domain of multi-media companies is now available to elevate your output. Remember cutaway shots at an awards night or sporting event? You can achieve that with a lightweight, compact, easy-to-use Live Streaming Video Mixer.